Building a heritage worth passing on.
Our Core Values
Our Vision And Mission
The Need
We see the need to provide a forum whereby people can gain the skills to build and nurture a Christian family.
The Vision
Our vision for this ministry is to see every Nigerian Christian utilize biblical principles in building their families and other areas of their Christian lives, then teach these principles to others throughout Nigeria and the uttermost parts of the world.
The Mission
The ministry that will fulfill this vision, in our minds, must be comprehensive in character and biblically sound. It must be able to teach the propositional truth of the word of God as well as integrate that truth into everyday living.
About Us
The purpose of Christian Heritage Ministries (CHM) is to raise the consciousness of Nigerian Christians to the needs of the family and provide the vital resources and services to help meet these needs, thereby glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Programs
Around the valentine period we arrange for couples to have an evening out to celebrate their love lives, have lots of Godly fun in a conducive atmosphere for dancing, praying, games, wining and dining and doing many things together. They have opportunities to hear sound biblical teachings that will rejuvenate and spice up their lives as married.
Around Valentine, many young people embrace the kind of Love that ruins and distorts their future. At Christian Heritage Ministries on every 14th day of February, Singles gather together to listen to Godly alternative way to celebrate their love lives and receive Godly counsel on relationships.
The inspiration for this program comes from Titus 2:2-5 where older and Godly women were encouraged to teach the younger ones to obey their husbands and increase in virtue. Our world is fast losing the community spirit that should exist among women because of the technological advancement where people relate with faceless people all over the place, losing Godly identity and Godly counsel. Love shared among older women and younger women at such breakfast helps to stir the women folks to greater productivity, Godliness and virtue.
Men are husbands. Men are fathers. Men are leaders. Most times, the failure of the family can be traced to the failure of the leader in the family. At Men’s retreat, we gather men together once a year to inspire them to confidently take their place in their families, market place, churches and the society in general as leaders. Men’s retreat provides opportunity for young men to learn from successful older men who had gone through what they may be experiencing. When men are strengthened and Godly, the whole nation moves forward.
3-day Family Enrichment Conference
This program usually holds in a very decent and serene environment, away from the hustle and bustle nature of the city lives. For 3 days, the couples have their residence at the conference venue usually a hotel or Guest House. This curriculum driven conference affords the couples to discuss their relationships in various ways in order to revolutionize their marriages and maintain oneness. This program now has a special package for Pastors and heads of Ministries/Church group.
We usually camp the teenagers around July for one week duration. in order to touch every member of the family, the teens camp bring the young people age 13 – 19 together to learn and know what it means to represent God in their generation and refuse to be of the world in a rapidly changing world. Teenagers are with peculiar characteristics as they develop to becoming adults. They have many probing questions which some parents would not be able to proffer sufficient solutions.
Family Heartbeat Mixlr Program
Christian Heritage Ministries hit the air waves with her radio program that addresses issues covering the entire family lives. This affords thousands of people to listen at the same time in places CHM cannot access.
Our Books
Countdown to Celebration Of Love’24
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