One of our daughters said “when you leave your house in the morning, let people know that you are Godfident“. You say, what? There is nothing like that! Yes, we create our words because our creator says we are like Him. Our confidence is in the Lord who is above all.
Disappointment comes when a man places his trust in self, Technology, AI, human knowledge, people, and human wisdom that is not backed up or rooted in the WORD and in the KNOWLEDGE of God.
Disappointment comes when we at any time or anyhow, place confidence in other things that are not rooted in God and His word.
Job 6: 20 ‘They were disappointed because they were confident, they came there and were confused.’
The success of Your marriage does not have to be in the confidence gathered from books or human experiences and human mentoring alone but in the total person of Christ. What we have or don’t have is not our confidence, but who we are in Christ because He strengthens our muscles. We emerge as the beautiful butterfly from the caterpillar, whose imaginal cells each contain the image – the blueprint as it were of what the butterfly will look like. Though the caterpillar fights to stay a caterpillar, the imaginal cells fight to bring the butterfly out, and then the butterfly struggles out of the chrysalis is what gives it the strength in its wings.
We also gain confidence – Godfidence in the spiritual imaginal cells contained in the image of God that is in us, our spiritual muscles are developed as we live out the life of Christ through our struggles and obedience to Christ.
We come out beautifully as we are strengthened by the confidence we have in God through His word. Confidence in God does not leave us confused, apply His word as you struggle like that caterpillar to emerge a beautiful butterfly that God has worked on and it’s reflecting His image.
Where is your confidence as you live your life in that profession, marriage and relationship?
That relationship and marriage can be beautiful and sweet, just apply the Godfidence where it is needed and move without looking back. Get your eyes on the Word and the image of Christ as seen in His word, then we become “it”, God is not disappointed in you as you grow to be like Him in that profession, marriage and that relationship.
Trust me! God’s got your back, bring Him fully into your space, yes, your space.
©‘Debola Ibitokun
Great and inspiring!
Thank you